I graduated as a physiotherapist from Miguel Hernández University in Alicante in 2010, and I have been working in the field of neurology across all age groups ever since. My professional experience also includes teaching, research (at the Institut de Myologie in Paris), and international volunteering.
In 2019, I completed a master’s degree in Neuromotor Control at Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid. I am currently a PhD student at the Toulouse Neuroimaging Center (Inserm, France), where my research focuses on somatosensory assessment in adults with brain injuries.
Additionally, I teach sustainable development in medical sciences and am an active member of Ecokinés and the Environmental Physiotherapy Association.


Sujet de thèse : Evaluation de la somesthésie chez l’adulte cérébrolésé

Mots-clés de la thèse : somesthésie, Erasmus modified Nottingham Sensory Assessment, évaluation somatosensorielle, accident vasculaire cérébral, sensibilité, déficits somatosensoriels