Abstracts rédigés ou co-rédigés


    Seiwert Sarah, Martin Élodie, Tisseyre Joseph, Tallet Jessica

    31 oct.-2 nov. 2023, Reims, France.
  • > Characterization of the perceptual-motor procedural learning deficit in adults with probable Developmental Coordination Disorder and links with motor, executive, attentional functions and comorbidities

    S. Seiwert, E. Martin, M. Planton, D. Méligne, J. Pariente, J. Tisseyre, J. Tallet.

    FENS Regional Meeting FRM 2023

    Algarve Portugal

  • > Exploring tempo and modality effects on modulation of brain oscillations during rhythm perception.

    Anthony GUEDES; Anaïs DESBERNATS; Mélanie JUCLA; Joseph TISSEYRE; David AMARANTINI; Jessica TALLET

    FENS Regional Meeting FRM 2023

    Algarve Portugal

  • > Characterization of the perceptual-motor procedural learning deficit in adults with probable Developmental Coordination Disorder.

    S. Seiwert, E. Martin, M. Planton, D. Méligne, J. Pariente, J. Tisseyre, J. Tallet

    FENS Regional Meeting FRM 2023

    Algarve Portugal

  • > Exploring tempo and modality effects on modulation of brain oscillations during rhythm perception

    Anthony GUEDES; Anaïs DESBERNATS; Mélanie JUCLA; Joseph TISSEYRE; David AMARANTINI; Jessica TALLET

    FENS Regional Meeting FRM 2023

    Algarve Portugal


  • > Protocole d’étude de l’effet de la pratique de la danse rythmée sur l’apprentissage procédural perceptivo-moteur chez des enfants avec et sans troubles moteurs


    XXIéme Journées d’Etudes Francophone en Activité Physique Adaptée  21ème JEFAPA, 29-31 mars 2023, Nantes, France

  • > Corrélats électrophysiologiques de la perception de rythmes : Effets du tempo et de la modalité sensorielle

    Anthony Guedes, Anaïs Desbernats, Mélanie Jucla, Joseph Tisseyre, David Amarantini, Jessica Tallet

    28ème Congrès de la Société Francophone Posture Équilibre et Locomotion  (SOFPEL), 1-3 décembre 2022, Marseille, France

  • > Impaired grip strength is related to altered modulation of intermuscular coupling in post-stroke subjects: a pilot study.

    Célia Delcamp, David Amarantini, Marie Belle, Laurent Vigouroux,Joseph Tisseyre, David Gasq, Camille Charissou.

    11th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation, 7-10 octobre 2020, digital WFNR & SOFMER congress.

  • > Neuromodulation of cortical beta oscillatory activity following botulinum injection in post-stroke.

    Alexandre Chalard, David Amarantini, Joseph Tisseyre, Philippe Marque, David Gasq.

    11th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation, 7-10 octobre 2020, digital WFNR & SOFMER congress.

  • > Généralisation des analyses temps-fréquence à des essais présentant une forte variabilité de durée.

    Maxime Fauvet, Sylvain Cremoux, Alexandre Chalard, Joseph Tisseyre, David Gasq, David Amarantini

    Congrès SOFAMEA,  23-24  janvier 2020, Nice

  • > Association entre le niveau de l’activité oscillatoire corticale et la présence de cocontractions spastiques du membre supérieur chez le patient en post-AVC.

    Alexandre Chalard, Joseph Tisseyre, Philippe Marque, David Amarantini, David Gasq.

    XIXème congrès de la SOFAMEA, 22-24 janvier 2020, Nice.

  • > Modifications de l’activité corticale oscillatoire suite à une injection de toxine botulique chez le patient post-AVC

    Alexandre Chalard, Joseph Tisseyre, Philippe Marque, David Amarantini, David Gasq.

    XIXème congrès de la SOFAMEA, 22-24 janvier 2020, Nice.

  • > Behavioural and cerebral asymmetries of mirror movements are specific to rhythmic task

    Joseph Tisseyre, David Amarantini, Jessica Tallet

    18ème Congrès International de l’Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives, 29-31 octobre 2019, Paris, France.

  • > Une altération de l’activité EEG est directement associée à une coactivation antagoniste excessive chez le patient post-AVC.

    Alexandre Chalard, David Amarantini, Joseph Tisseyre, Philippe Marque, David Gasq

    Le 18ème Congrès international de l’Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives (ACAPS), 28-31 Octobre 2019, Paris

  • > L’altération de l’activité oscillatoire corticale participe à la détérioration des patterns du mouvement du membre supérieur chez le patient post-AVC

    Alexandre Chalard, Joseph Tisseyre, Philippe Marque, David Amarantini, David Gasq

    34e congrès de la SOFMER ( Société Française de Médecine Physique et Réadaptation), 17-19 Octobre 2019, Bordeaux

  • > Atypical attentional cortical activity during resting in teenagers with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD): A pilot EEG study.

    Desclaux A, Tisseyre J, Albaret J-M, Chaix Y, Tallet J

    13th World Congress on Developmental Coordination Disorder DCD13. 5-8th June, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
  • > A Novel Method to Generalize Time-Frequency Coherence Analysis between EEG or EMG Signals During Repetitive Trials with High Intra-Subject Variability in Duration.

    Fauvet M, Cremoux S, Chalard A, Tisseyre J, Gasq D, Amarantini D

    The 9th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering , San Francisco, CA – USA on March 20-23, 2019.
  • > Alteration of executive control is associated with greater mirror movements in healthy and brain-injured adults.

    Tisseyre, J., Amarantini, D., Chalard, A., Marque, P., Gasq, D., Tallet, J.

    20èmes Journées Toulousaines de Psychomotricité, 25-26 Mai 2018, Toulouse, France.
  • > Spastic cocontraction, spasticity and impairment of motor function during active elbow extension in adults with hemiparesis.

    Alexandre Chalard, David Amarantini, Joseph Tisseyre, Philippe Marque, Jessica Tallet, David Gasq.

    XVIIème Congrès de la Société Francophone d’Analyse du Mouvement chez l’Enfant et l’Adulte. - SOFAMEA 2018 - TOULOUSE
  • > Mirror movements of upper limbs are correlated with attentional and executive functions in healthy subjects and brain injury patients.

    Tisseyre, J., Amarantini, D., Chalard, A., Marque, P., Gasq, D., Tallet J.

    17ème Congrès International de l’Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives - ACAPS 2017 - DIJON

    Publications rédigées ou co-rédigées

  • > 61- Increased intensity of unintended mirror muscle contractions after cervical spinal cord injury are associated with changes in interhemispheric and corticomuscular coherences.

    Tisseyre J, Cremoux S, Amarantini D, Tallet J.

    Behav Brain Res. 2021 Sep 6:113563. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2021.113563.
  • > 58- Temporal Dynamics of Corticomuscular Coherence Reflects Alteration of the Central Mechanisms of Neural Motor Control in Post-Stroke Patients.

    Fauvet M, Gasq D, Chalard A, Tisseyre J, Amarantini D.

    Front Hum Neurosci. 2021 Jul 23;15:682080. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2021.682080.
  • > 32- Behavioural and cerebral asymmetries of mirror movements are specific to rhythmic task and related to higher attentional and executive control.

    Tisseyre J, Amarantini D, Tallet J.

    Behav Brain Res. 2021 Jun 24:113429. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2021.113429.
  • > 22- Spastic co-contraction is directly associated with altered cortical beta oscillations after stroke.

    Chalard A, Amarantini D, Tisseyre J, Marque P, Gasq D.
    Voir la publication

    Clin Neurophysiol. 2020 Mar 19;131(6):1345-1353. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2020.02.023.
  • > 9- Spastic co-contraction, rather that spasticity, is associated with impaired active function in adults with acquired brain injury: A pilot study.

    Chalard A, Amarantini D, Tisseyre J, Marque P, Tallet J, Gasq D.

    J Rehabil Med. 2019 Feb 15. doi: 10.2340/16501977-2528.
  • > 33- A novel method to generalize time-frequency coherence analysis between EEG or EMG signals during repetitive trials with high intra-subject variability in duration.

    Fauvet M, Cremoux S, Chalard A, Tisseyre J, Gasq D, Amarantini D.

    In 2019 9th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), 437-440.
  • > 28- Lateralized inhibition of symmetric contractions is associated with motor, attentional and executive processes.

    Tisseyre J, Marquet-Doléac J, Barral J, Amarantini D, Tallet J.

    Behav Brain Res. 2019 Apr 1;361:65-73. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2018.12.034. Epub 2018 Dec 18.
  • > 1- Lateralized inhibition of symmetric contractions is associated with motor, attentional and executive processes.

    Tisseyre J, Marquet-Doléac J, Barral J, Amarantini D, Tallet J.

    Behav Brain Res. 1 April 2019; 361:65-73. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2018.12.034.
  • > 35- Is spasticity or spastic cocontraction of the elbow flexors associated with the limitation of voluntary elbow extension in adults with acquired hemiparesis?

    Chalard, A., Amarantini, D., Tisseyre, J., Marque, P., Tallet, J., & Gasq, D.

    (2018). Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 61, e439.
  • > 14- Mirror movements are linked to executive control in healthy and brain-injured adults.

    Tisseyre J, Amarantini D, Chalard A, Marque P, Gasq D, Tallet J.

    Neuroscience. 2018, 379, 246-256. pii: S0306-4522(18)30218-5. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2018.03.027.