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Recherche translationnelle en santé,
technologie pour la santé et recherche clinique
The technical platform Pi-R2 develop fluor-18 labeled radiotracers and radiopharmaceuticals for preclinical and clinical studies.
In order to develop new labeled molecules, protocols of radiosynthesis have to be established in a suitable structure. The platform offers specific know-how in radiochemistry and radiopharmacy leading to the development of innovative and relevant radiotracers and radiopharmaceuticals, usable in preclinical and clinical studies suitable for diagnosis and medical imaging.
Thanks to strong local partnerships, the platform has also skills in Neurology (ToNIC), Cardiology (I2MC), Oncology (CRCT) and also abilities in setting up preclinical (CREFRE) and clinical studies due to its location within the hospital of CHU Purpan. Furthermore, this convenient location is enhanced by the proximity of the platform to the PET center and the only cyclotron of Occitanie entirely dedicated to research.
The platform Pi-R2 is a three-year project funded by “La Région Occitanie Pyrénées Méditerranée” with the support of “Fonds Européens de Développement Régional (FEDER)”.
The project is led by the laboratory ToNIC (UMR1214 Inserm/UPS III) in partnership with the LHFA (UMR5069 CNRS/UPS III), the CREFRE (US006 Inserm/UPS III), the CRCT (UMR1037 Inserm/CNRS/UPS III), the I2MC (UMR1048 Inserm/UPS III) and industrial partners; the companies Zionexa and Imavita. This project presents a missing link in the continuum between radiochemistry and clinical research in nuclear imaging and should allow optimum exploitation of in vivo molecular imaging tools in Occitanie.
In a perspective of evolution, the platform wants to extend its know-how around the development of tracers labeled with various radioactive isotopes.