Recherche translationnelle en santé,
technologie pour la santé et recherche clinique
L’équipe comprend des scientifiques en NeuroImagerie, biomécanique et biologie cellulaire et des cliniciens en neurologie, neuroréhabilitation, neurophysiologie, neurochirurgie, et psychiatrie.
Transformation of magnetic resonance images (MRI) into stereolitography (STL) files and 3D printing of anatomical models of the human brain.
The human brain is a complex organ containing 100 billion neurons highly interconnected. Human brain development and pathophysiology are poorly understood due to the absence of experimental models and ethical concerns. Our team aims at biofabricating mini-brains from neuronal stem cells and innovative hydrogels by 3D bioprinting.
Our approach will use human neural stem cells (see microscopy images). These cells will be encapsulated within hydrogels allowing their proliferation and differentiation into neurospheres. We will develop a bottom-up methodology for assembling these neurospheres into more complex 3D brain organoids of few millimeters. These mini-brain models will be characterized by immune fluorescence microscopy, electrophysiology and magnetic resonance imaging. Our 3D models will allow testing the diffusion and action of drug candidates in the different cerebral structures.