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    Abstracts rédigés ou co-rédigés

  • > Flexibilité émotionnelle du contrôle moteur : Impacts de la perception du contexte émotionnel sur le contrôle moteur de l’équilibre dynamique et de la locomotion.
    Lilian Fautrelle, Camille Charissou, Emeline Pierrieau, Vincent Ardonceau, Sylvie Vernazza-Martin, David Amarantini
    18 novembre 2023, Toulouse, France.
    Fautrelle Lilian, Vernazza – Martin Sylvie  Amarantini David
    31 oct.-2 nov. 2023, Reims, France.
  • > Feasibility of assessing alterations in paretic upper-limb movements after stroke in routine care: proposal and validation of a protocol using IMUs versus MoCap
    Baptiste Merlau, Camille Cormier, Alexia Alaux, Margot Morin, Emmeline Montané, David Amarantini & David Gasq

    38e congrès de la Société Française de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation   du 12 au 14 Octobre 2023 –

    Le Havre France


  • > Préparation opérationnelle du pompier : respirations dynamisantes et imageries mentales favorisent l’activation sympathique et améliorent la performance musculaire

    Biéchy Jean Philippe, Charissou Camille, Groléas Candice, Skrzynski Thomas, Gobert Sylvain, Amarantini David, Fautrelle Lilian
    20ème Congrès International de l’Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives, 31 oct.-2 nov. 2023, Reims, France.


  • > Central-peripheral and intermuscular interactions are co-regulated in stroke subjects.

    C. Delcamp, D. Gasq, C. Cormier, D. Amarantini

    Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2023 Annual Meeting (OHBM 2023)

    Montréal, Canada.

  • > Exploring tempo and modality effects on modulation of brain oscillations during rhythm perception.

    Anthony GUEDES; Anaïs DESBERNATS; Mélanie JUCLA; Joseph TISSEYRE; David AMARANTINI; Jessica TALLET

    FENS Regional Meeting FRM 2023

    Algarve Portugal

  • > Corticomuscular and intermuscular coherences become correlated after stroke.

    Célia Delcamp, David Gasq, Camille Cormier, David Amarantini

    FENS Regional Meeting FRM 2023

    Algarve Portugal

  • > Exploring tempo and modality effects on modulation of brain oscillations during rhythm perception

    Anthony GUEDES; Anaïs DESBERNATS; Mélanie JUCLA; Joseph TISSEYRE; David AMARANTINI; Jessica TALLET

    FENS Regional Meeting FRM 2023

    Algarve Portugal



    Émilie Mathieu, Sylvain Crémoux, David Gasq, Philippe Pudlo, David Amarantini

    CMBBE 2023 – 18th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering

    Paris France.

  • > Protocole d’étude de l’effet de la pratique de la danse rythmée sur l’apprentissage procédural perceptivo-moteur chez des enfants avec et sans troubles moteurs


    XXIéme Journées d’Etudes Francophone en Activité Physique Adaptée  21ème JEFAPA, 29-31 mars 2023, Nantes, France

  • > Corrélats électrophysiologiques de la perception de rythmes : Effets du tempo et de la modalité sensorielle

    Anthony Guedes, Anaïs Desbernats, Mélanie Jucla, Joseph Tisseyre, David Amarantini, Jessica Tallet

    28ème Congrès de la Société Francophone Posture Équilibre et Locomotion  (SOFPEL), 1-3 décembre 2022, Marseille, France

  • > Intralimb coordination strategies of the paretic and non-paretic upper limb after brain injury during a functional planar task

    Emilie Mathieu, Philippe Pudlo, Sylvain Crémoux, Célia Delcamp, Camille Cormier, David Gasq, David Amarantini

    37ème Congrès de la Société Française de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation,Rennes, France

  • > Stroke alters intermuscular communication of agonist and antagonist muscles during active movement

    Célia Delcamp, David Amarantini, Camille Cormier, Alexandre Chalard, Philippe Marque, David Gasq

    37ème Congrès de la Société Française de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation,Rennes, France

  • > The common descending neural drive to agonist and antagonist muscles is higher in stroke subjects compared to controls

    Célia Delcamp, Camille Cormier, Alexandre Chalard, David Amarantini, David Gasq

    FENS 2022 (Federation of European Neurosciences Societies) –


  • > Human brain and muscle activities coupling during isokinetic contractions with incremental motor output

    Glories D.,Soulhol M., Amarantini D., Duclay J.

    ESB 2022 (European Society of Biomechanics) _ 26-29 Juin 2022 , Porto, Portugal


    Célia Delcamp, Camille Cormier, Alexandre Chalard, David Gasq, David Amarantini

    27th Congress of the the European Society of Biomechanics – Porto Portugal



    Elodie Martin, Sarah Seiwert, Lilian Fautrelle, David Amarantini et Jessica Tallet

    14ème Colloque international RIPSYDEVE Réseau Interuniversitaire de PSYchologie du DEVeloppement et de l’Education, Montpellier, 2-3 juin 2022.

  • > Observing functional interactions between plant electrome and leaf movements

    Frederick Garcia, David Amarantini

    Réunion générale du GDR PhyP Biophysique et Biomécanique des plantes, 29 – 31 mars 2022. Carry-le-Rouet, France. 

  • > EVAL-APP: The first tool assessing perceptual-motor skill learning as in the real world.

    Elodie Martin, Sarah Seiwert, Lilian Fautrelle, David Amarantini and Jessica Tallet

    DCD-14 Vancouver 2022


  • > Evidence for different motor control strategies between express motor corrections and undisturbed movements in upright stance: an intermuscular coherence study.

    Charissou, C., Ardonceau, V., Ruffino, C., Amarantini, D., Fautrelle, L.

    27ème Congrès de la Société Francophone Posture, Équilibre et Locomotion – SOFPEL, 1-3 décembre 2021, Lille, France.

  • > Effects of botulinum toxin injections and rehabilitation on the brain-muscle functional connectivity assessed by cortico-muscular coherence in post-stroke patients

    Delcamp, C., Cormier, C., Chalard, A., Gasq, D., Amarantini, D

    36ème Congrès de la SOFMER, 14-16 octobre 2021, Lille, France.

  • > The combination of deep breathing and mental imagery promotes cardiovascular recovery in firefighters

    Jean Philippe Biechy, Camille Charissou, Sylvain Gobert, Jean-Claude Verdier, Evelyne Castel-Lacanal , David Amarantini ,
    Lilian Fautrelle

    19ème Congrès international de l’ACAPS, 27-29 octobre 2021, Montpellier, France.,

  • > Done in 100 ms : using intermuscular coherence to investigate the engagement of neural binding between muscles in mediating fast motor corrections.

    Vincent Ardonceau , Camille Charissou, David Amarantini, Lilian Fautrelle

    19ème Congrès international de l’ACAPS, 27-29 octobre 2021, Montpellier, France.

  • > The modulation of corticomuscular coherence reflects alteration of the central-peripheral network after stroke

    Delcamp, C., Cormier, C., Chalard, A., Gasq, D., Amarantini, D

    19ème Congrès international de l’ACAPS, 27-29 octobre 2021, Montpellier, France., Prix des jeunes chercheurs.

  • > Effect of muscle contraction type on corticomuscular coherence.

    Dorian Glories, Mathias Soulhol,David Amarantini, Julien Duclay.

    25th European College of Sports Science Anniversary Congress , 28-30 octobre 2020, virtual congress (2nd prize Young Investigator Award).

  • > Phasic alteration of corticomuscular coupling in post-stroke subjects is associated with decreased motor function during active elbow extensions.

    Maxime Fauvet, Alexandre Chalard, David Gasq, David Amarantini.

    11th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation, 7-10 octobre 2020, digital WFNR & SOFMER congress.

  • > Impaired grip strength is related to altered modulation of intermuscular coupling in post-stroke subjects: a pilot study.

    Célia Delcamp, David Amarantini, Marie Belle, Laurent Vigouroux,Joseph Tisseyre, David Gasq, Camille Charissou.

    11th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation, 7-10 octobre 2020, digital WFNR & SOFMER congress.

  • > Neuromodulation of cortical beta oscillatory activity following botulinum injection in post-stroke.

    Alexandre Chalard, David Amarantini, Joseph Tisseyre, Philippe Marque, David Gasq.

    11th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation, 7-10 octobre 2020, digital WFNR & SOFMER congress.

  • > Généralisation des analyses temps-fréquence à des essais présentant une forte variabilité de durée.

    Maxime Fauvet, Sylvain Cremoux, Alexandre Chalard, Joseph Tisseyre, David Gasq, David Amarantini

    Congrès SOFAMEA,  23-24  janvier 2020, Nice

  • > L’étendue de l’activité corticale EEG : un outil pour l’évaluation du patient AVC chronique.

    Célia Pinto, Alexandre Chalard, David Gasq, David Amarantini

    Congrès SOFAMEA,  23-24  janvier 2020, Nice

  • > Association entre le niveau de l’activité oscillatoire corticale et la présence de cocontractions spastiques du membre supérieur chez le patient en post-AVC.

    Alexandre Chalard, Joseph Tisseyre, Philippe Marque, David Amarantini, David Gasq.

    XIXème congrès de la SOFAMEA, 22-24 janvier 2020, Nice.

  • > Modifications de l’activité corticale oscillatoire suite à une injection de toxine botulique chez le patient post-AVC

    Alexandre Chalard, Joseph Tisseyre, Philippe Marque, David Amarantini, David Gasq.

    XIXème congrès de la SOFAMEA, 22-24 janvier 2020, Nice.

  • > Behavioural and cerebral asymmetries of mirror movements are specific to rhythmic task

    Joseph Tisseyre, David Amarantini, Jessica Tallet

    18ème Congrès International de l’Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives, 29-31 octobre 2019, Paris, France.

  • > Les modifications de l’activité corticale oscillatoire au cours de mouvements actifs d’extension du coude sont un marqueur de plasticité cérébrale chez le sujet cérébrolésé

    Célia Pinto, Alexandre Chalard, David Gasq, David Amarantini

    18ème Congrès International de l’Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives, 29-31 octobre 2019, Paris, France.

  • > Impacts du contexte émotionnel sur le contrôle du mouvement lors d’une tâche de pointage complexe : étude de cohérence intermusculaire.

    Pierrieau E, Charissou C, Vernazza-Martin S, Pageaux B, Lepers R, Amarantini D, Fautrelle L

    18ème Congrès International de l’Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives, 29-31 octobre 2019, Paris, France.

  • > Contribution des interactions intermusculaires à la modulation du niveau de force lors de flexions isométriques des doigts chez le sujet sain.

    Camille Charissou, Laurent Vigouroux, Eric Berton, David Amarantini

    18ème Congrès International de l’Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives, 29-31 octobre 2019, Paris, France.

  • > Asymmetrical patterns of corticomuscular coherence during unilateral and bilateral rhythmic wrist movements.

    Barral, J., Meziane, H.B., Cremoux, S., Amarantini, D.

    18ème Congrès International de l’Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives, 29-31 octobre 2019, Paris, France.

  • > Une altération de l’activité EEG est directement associée à une coactivation antagoniste excessive chez le patient post-AVC.

    Alexandre Chalard, David Amarantini, Joseph Tisseyre, Philippe Marque, David Gasq

    Le 18ème Congrès international de l’Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives (ACAPS), 28-31 Octobre 2019, Paris

  • > L’altération de l’activité oscillatoire corticale participe à la détérioration des patterns du mouvement du membre supérieur chez le patient post-AVC

    Alexandre Chalard, Joseph Tisseyre, Philippe Marque, David Amarantini, David Gasq

    34e congrès de la SOFMER ( Société Française de Médecine Physique et Réadaptation), 17-19 Octobre 2019, Bordeaux

  • > A Novel Method to Generalize Time-Frequency Coherence Analysis between EEG or EMG Signals During Repetitive Trials with High Intra-Subject Variability in Duration.

    Fauvet M, Cremoux S, Chalard A, Tisseyre J, Gasq D, Amarantini D

    The 9th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering , San Francisco, CA – USA on March 20-23, 2019.
  • > Assessment of upper limb active movement facilitation and neuromuscular plasticity induced by abobotulinumtoxinA in chronic poststroke: A study protocol.

    Chalard A, Amarantini D, Picaut P, Pons L, Marque P, Gasq D.

    International Neurotoxin Association Conference (TOXINS 2019), 16-19 January 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • > Alteration of executive control is associated with greater mirror movements in healthy and brain-injured adults.

    Tisseyre, J., Amarantini, D., Chalard, A., Marque, P., Gasq, D., Tallet, J.

    20èmes Journées Toulousaines de Psychomotricité, 25-26 Mai 2018, Toulouse, France.
  • > Spastic cocontraction, spasticity and impairment of motor function during active elbow extension in adults with hemiparesis.

    Alexandre Chalard, David Amarantini, Joseph Tisseyre, Philippe Marque, Jessica Tallet, David Gasq.

    XVIIème Congrès de la Société Francophone d’Analyse du Mouvement chez l’Enfant et l’Adulte. - SOFAMEA 2018 - TOULOUSE
  • > Potential of corticomuscular and intermuscular interactions to evaluate and detect alteration of motor control in healthy people and people with cervical spinal cord injury.

    Cremoux, S., Tallet, J., Dal Maso, F., Charissou, C., Amarantini, D.

    31st International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, 1-6 Mai 2018, Washington, DC, USA.
  • > Etude neuro-physiologique des mouvements miroirs chez le sujet traumatisé médullaire cervical

    Cremoux, S., Amarantini, D., Dal Maso, F., Tallet, J.

    17ème Congrès International de l’Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives - ACAPS 2017- DIJON
  • > Functional relevance of correlated neural inputs in the regulation of antagonist activity during submaximal isometric fingers flexion tasks.

    Charissou, C. Vigouroux, L., Berton, E., Amarantini, D.

    13ème colloque de la Journée de l’École Doctorale des Sciences du Mouvement Humain. - MONTPELLIER
  • > Inter-hemispheric communication is altered during learning of a new bimanual coordination in teenagers with Developmental Coordination Disorder.

    Blais, M, Amarantini, D, Albaret, J.-M, Chaix, Y & Tallet, J.

    12th International Conference on Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder. FREMANTLE - AUSTRALIE
  • > L’ElectroEncéphaloGraphie – Couplage cortico-musculaire et mécanismes de contrôle de la contraction musculaire.

    Cremoux, S., Dal Maso, F., Longcamp, M., Bigot, J., Berton, E., Tallet, J., Amarantini, D.

    17ème Congrès International de l’Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives - ACAPS 2017 - DIJON
  • > Contribution of pair-specific intermuscular coupling to the regulation of agonist-antagonist co-contraction during maximal isometric flexion of the fingers.

    Charissou, C., Amarantini, D., Baurès, R., Berton, E., Vigouroux, L.

    17ème Congrès International de l’Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives - ACAPS 2017 - DIJON
  • > Mirror movements of upper limbs are correlated with attentional and executive functions in healthy subjects and brain injury patients.

    Tisseyre, J., Amarantini, D., Chalard, A., Marque, P., Gasq, D., Tallet J.

    17ème Congrès International de l’Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives - ACAPS 2017 - DIJON
  • > Effects of grip type on EMG-EMG coherence between hand flexor and extensor muscles during maximal isometric contractions.

    Charissou, C., Amarantini, D., Berton, E., Vigouroux, L.

    12ème colloque de la Journée de l’Ecole Doctorale des Sciences du Mouvement Humain - MARSEILLE
  • > Inter-hemispheric communication is altered during learning of a new bimanual coordination in teenagers with developmental coordination disorder

    Blais M, Amarantini D, Albaret J-M, Chaix Y, Tallet J

    Journée de rentrée école doctorale CLESCO. - TOULOUSE
  • > Shod, barefoot and minimalist shoes running: A comparative study.

    Auzias, P., Seitz, C., Escalle, Y., Rodriguez, A., Amarantini, D., Darmana, R

  • > Effects of padding material and thickness on second metatarsal head discharge.

    Lamaud, M., Bonneval, F., Destruhaut, P., Rodriguez, A., Amarantini, D., Darmana, R.

  • > Main determinants of weight-bearing asymmetry in hemiplegic stroke patients.

    Montastruc, J., Amarantini, D., Lambert, V., Castel-Lacanal, E., Marque, P., Gasq, D.

    31ème Congrès de la Société Française de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation. - SAINT-ETIENNE
  • > Identification of a voluntary overcontrol of postural sway from static stabilometric assessment.

    Gasq, D., Lainard, M., Kaluza, L., Dupui, P., Amarantini, D.

  • > Facteurs déterminants de l’asymétrie d’appui en posture statique chez le patient hémiparétique.

    Gasq, D., Montastruc, J., Lambert, V., Dupui, P., Amarantini, D

    Congrès Posture Equilibre Mouvement (PEM) - NANCY

    Publications rédigées ou co-rédigées

  • > 18- Upper limb motor dysfunction is associated with fragmented kinetics after brain injury.

    Mathieu E., Gasq D., Cremoux S., Delcamp C., Cormier C., Pudlo P. & Amarantini, D.

    Clinical Biomechanics, 2024, 114, 106221.
  • > 2- Intermuscular coherence reveals that affective emotional pictures modulate neural control mechanisms during the initiation of arm pointing movements

    Pierrieau E., Charissou C., Vernazza-Martin S., Pageaux B., Lepers R., Amarantini D. & Fautrelle L.

    Front. Hum. Neurosci., 2024, 17:1273435. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2023.1273435
  • > 79- Trial of Botulinum Toxin for Isolated or Essential Head Tremor

    Marques, A., Pereira, B., Simonetta-Moreau, M., Castelnovo, G., De Verdal, M., Fluchère, F., Laurencin, C., Degos, B., Tir, M., Kreisler, A., Blanchet-Fourcade, G., Guehl, D., Colin, O., Poujois, A., Sangla, S., Tatu, L., Derost, P., Gayraud, D., Tranchant, C., Amarantini, D., Devos, D., Rascol, O., Corvol, J.-C., Durif, F., Rieu, I.

    New England Journal of Medicine, 389(19), 1753-1765. doi:10.1056/nejmoa2304192
  • > 50- Biomechanical modeling for the estimation of muscle forces: toward a common language in biomechanics, medical engineering, and neurosciences

    Mathieu, E., Crémoux, S., Duvivier, D., Amarantini, D., Pudlo, P.

    Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 20, 130 (2023).
  • > 49- Assessing spatiotemporal and quality alterations in paretic upper limb movements after stroke in routine care: proposal and validation of a protocol using IMUs versus MoCap.

    Baptiste Merlau, Camille Cormier, Alexia Alaux, Margot Morin, Emmeline Montané, David Amarantini, David Gasq

    Sensors, 2023, 23, 7427. doi:10.3390/s23177427
  • > 43- Corticomuscular and intermuscular coherence are correlated after stroke: a simplified motor control?

    Delcamp C, Gasq D, Cormier C, Amarantini D.

    Brain Commun. 2023 Jun 17;5(3):fcad187. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcad187.
  • > 1- Recurrent inhibition contribution to corticomuscular coherence modulation between contraction types.

    Glories D., Amarantini D., Duclay J.

    Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 33(5), 597-608 (2023). doi:10.1111/sms.14309 (Corrigendum: Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports (2023). doi:10.1111/sms.14468).
  • > 73- Combined effect of contraction type and intensity on corticomuscular coherence during isokinetic plantar flexions.

    Glories D, Soulhol M, Amarantini D, Duclay J.

    Eur J Appl Physiol. 2022 Nov 9. doi: 10.1007/s00421-022-05087-y.
  • > 64- Changes in intermuscular connectivity during active elbow extension reveal a functional simplification of motor control after stroke.

    Delcamp C., Cormier C., Chalard A., Amarantini D., Gasq D.

    Front. Neurosci. 16:940907. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2022.940907
  • > 19- Quantification of Head Tremors in Medical Conditions: A Comparison of Analyses Using a 2D Video Camera and a 3D Wireless Inertial Motion Unit.

    Amarantini D, Rieu I, Castelnovo G, Fluchère F, Laurencin C, Degos B, Poujois A, Kreisler A, Sangla S, Tir M, Benatru I, Blanchet-Fourcade G, Guehl D, Gayraud D, Tatu L, Tranchant C, Durif F,Simonetta-Moreau M.

    Sensors (Basel). 2022 Mar 19;22(6):2385. doi: 10.3390/s22062385.
  • > 3- Botulinum toxin combined with rehabilitation decrease corticomuscular coherence in stroke patients

    Delcamp C, Cormier C, Chalard A, Amarantini D, Gasq D

    Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 136, April 2022, Pages 49-57.
  • > 94- Facial reactions to face representations in art: An electromyography study.

    Achour-Benallegue, A., Amarantini, D., Paubel, P.-V., Pelletier, J., Kaminski, G.

    Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 2023, 17(6):793-805. doi:10.1037/aca0000423
  • > 80- Effect of the combination of botulinum toxin A injection in elbow flexor muscles and rehabilitation on cortical oscillatory activity in individuals with stroke.

    Chalard A., Amarantini D., Cormier C., Marque P., Gasq D.

    Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 2021:64(4), 101434. DOI: 10.1016/
  • > 61- Increased intensity of unintended mirror muscle contractions after cervical spinal cord injury are associated with changes in interhemispheric and corticomuscular coherences.

    Tisseyre J, Cremoux S, Amarantini D, Tallet J.

    Behav Brain Res. 2021 Sep 6:113563. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2021.113563.
  • > 59- Specific modulation of corticomuscular coherence during submaximal voluntary isometric, shortening and lengthening contractions.

    Glories D, Soulhol M, Amarantini D, Duclay J.

    Sci Rep. 2021 Mar 18;11(1):6322. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-85851-w.
  • > 58- Temporal Dynamics of Corticomuscular Coherence Reflects Alteration of the Central Mechanisms of Neural Motor Control in Post-Stroke Patients.

    Fauvet M, Gasq D, Chalard A, Tisseyre J, Amarantini D.

    Front Hum Neurosci. 2021 Jul 23;15:682080. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2021.682080.
  • > 32- Behavioural and cerebral asymmetries of mirror movements are specific to rhythmic task and related to higher attentional and executive control.

    Tisseyre J, Amarantini D, Tallet J.

    Behav Brain Res. 2021 Jun 24:113429. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2021.113429.
  • > 24- The combination of deep breathing and mental imagery promotes cardiovascular recovery in firefighters.

    Biéchy JP, Charissou C, Gobert S, Verdier JC, Castel-Lacanal E, Amarantini D, Fautrelle L.

    Ergonomics. 2021 Apr 25:1-25. doi: 10.1080/00140139.2021.1916606.
  • > 22- Spastic co-contraction is directly associated with altered cortical beta oscillations after stroke.

    Chalard A, Amarantini D, Tisseyre J, Marque P, Gasq D.
    Voir la publication

    Clin Neurophysiol. 2020 Mar 19;131(6):1345-1353. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2020.02.023.
  • > 10- Impact of the EMG normalization method on muscle activation and the antagonist-agonist co-contraction index during active elbow extension: Practical implications for post-stroke subjects.

    Chalard A, Belle M, Montané E, Marque P, Amarantini D, Gasq D.

    J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2020 Feb 14;51:102403. doi: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2020.102403.
  • > 9- Spastic co-contraction, rather that spasticity, is associated with impaired active function in adults with acquired brain injury: A pilot study.

    Chalard A, Amarantini D, Tisseyre J, Marque P, Tallet J, Gasq D.

    J Rehabil Med. 2019 Feb 15. doi: 10.2340/16501977-2528.
  • > 34- Impaired corticomuscular coherence during isometric elbow flexion contractions in human with cervical Spinal Cord Injury.

    Cremoux S, Tallet J, Dal Maso F, Berton E, Amarantini D.

    Eur J Neurosci. 2017, 46(4), 1991-2000. doi: 10.1111/ejn.13641.
  • > 37- Effect of training status on beta-range corticomuscular coherence in agonist vs. antagonist muscles during isometric knee contractions.

    Dal Maso F, Longcamp M, Cremoux S, Amarantini D.

    Exp Brain Res. 2017, 235(10), 3023-3031.doi: 10.1007/s00221-017-5035-z.
  • > 33- A novel method to generalize time-frequency coherence analysis between EEG or EMG signals during repetitive trials with high intra-subject variability in duration.

    Fauvet M, Cremoux S, Chalard A, Tisseyre J, Gasq D, Amarantini D.

    In 2019 9th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), 437-440.
  • > 28- Lateralized inhibition of symmetric contractions is associated with motor, attentional and executive processes.

    Tisseyre J, Marquet-Doléac J, Barral J, Amarantini D, Tallet J.

    Behav Brain Res. 2019 Apr 1;361:65-73. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2018.12.034. Epub 2018 Dec 18.
  • > 1- Lateralized inhibition of symmetric contractions is associated with motor, attentional and executive processes.

    Tisseyre J, Marquet-Doléac J, Barral J, Amarantini D, Tallet J.

    Behav Brain Res. 1 April 2019; 361:65-73. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2018.12.034.
  • > 61- Assessment of upper limb active movement facilitation and neuromuscular plasticity induced by abobotulinumtoxinA in chronic poststroke: A study protocol.

    Chalard A, Amarantini D, Picaut P, Pons L, Marque P, Gasq D.

    Toxicon, Volume 156, Supplement 1, December 2018, Pages s15-s16. doi: 10.1016/j.toxicon.2018.11.042.
  • > 56- Unilateral Conditioning Contractions Enhance Power Output in Elite Short Track Speed Skaters.

    Gimenez P, Chicoine E, Amarantini D, Maso FD, Tremblay J.

    Sports Med Int Open. 2018 Nov 15;2(6):E185-E190. doi: 10.1055/a-0770-4699.
  • > 29- T80. Alteration of intermuscular coherence in synergistic muscle pairs during actual elbow flexion contractions after cervical spinal cord injury.

    Cremoux S., Charissou C., Tallet J., Abade-Moreira A., Dal Maso F., Amarantini D.

    Clinical Neurophysiology, 2018, 129(Supplement 1): e33. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2018.04.081.
  • > 34- Impact of different EMG normalisation methods on muscle activations and cocontraction index in adults with chronic post-stroke hemiparesis.

    Chalard, A., Amarantini, D., Belle, M., Montane, E., & Gasq, D. (2018).

    Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 61, e444.
  • > 35- Is spasticity or spastic cocontraction of the elbow flexors associated with the limitation of voluntary elbow extension in adults with acquired hemiparesis?

    Chalard, A., Amarantini, D., Tisseyre, J., Marque, P., Tallet, J., & Gasq, D.

    (2018). Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 61, e439.
  • > 14- Mirror movements are linked to executive control in healthy and brain-injured adults.

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Thèmes de recherche


—  Etude neuro-biomécanique des mécanismes de contrôle de l’activité musculaire.

—  Quantification et analyse des cohérences électrophysiologiques.

—  Modélisations biomécaniques pour l’estimation des efforts musculaires.

—  Etude des mécanismes de contrôle de la coordination multi-musculaire et de la posture.


—  FIIP | Interactions fonctionnelles au sein des plantes.