Olivier RASCOL


    Abstracts rédigés ou co-rédigés

  • > Données IRM Altérées pour la Classification de l’Atrophie Multisystématisée via un CNN

    Giulia Maria Mattia, Olivier Rascol, Wassilios G. Meissner, Xavier Franceries, Patrice Péran

    6ème Congrès scientifique de la Société Française de Résonance Magnétique en Biologie et Médecine

    27-29 Mars 2023 | Paris, France


  • > Étude des dimensions de personnalité du TCI chez des patients parkinsoniens fluctuants

    Mathilde Boussac ; Christophe Arbus ; Olivier Colin  ; Chloé Laurencin  ; Alexandre Eusebio  ; Elodie Hainque; Jean Christophe Corvol  ; Nathalie Versace  ; Olivier Rascol; Vanessa Rousseau  ; Estelle Harroch ; Fabienne Ory Magne ; Margherita Fabbri ; Caroline Moreau  ; Anne Sophie Rolland ; Béchir Jarraya  ; David Maltête; Sophie Drapier  ; Ana Raquel Marques ; Nicolas Auzou ; Thomas Wirth ; Mylène Meyer  ; Bruno Giordana  ; Mélissa Tir  ; Tiphaine Rouaud  ; David Devos  ; Christine Brefel Courbon  for the PREDISTIM study group

    JNLF 2022 (Journées de Neurologie de Langue Française) :12 au 15 avril 2022 à Strasbourg.

  • > Part of personality is predictive of quality-of-life outcome after deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s Disease.

    Boussac M, Danaila T, Eusebio A, et al.

    7th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology, Virtual 2021

  • > The Association of Personality Dimensions with Quality of Life in Parkinson’s disease patients with motor fluctuations.

    Boussac M, Arbus C, Dupouy J, et al.

    EAN (European Academy of Neurology) Congress Virtual 2020

  • > Substantia Nigra locations of iron-content and free-water abnormalities in Parkinson’s Disease.

    Arribarat G, Pasternak O, De Barros A, Galitky M, Rascol O, Péran P.

    5th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology, EAN 2019, 29 juin- 2 Juillet 2019 à Oslo, Norvège.
  • > A whole-brain multimodal discrimination of Parkinsons dDiseas, Multiple System Atrophy and Controls.

    F Nemmi, A Pavy-Le Traon, O Phillips, M Galitzky, W Meissner, O Rascol, P Péran .

    5th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology, EAN 2019, 29 juin- 2 Juillet 2019 à Oslo, Norvège.
  • > A whole-brain multimodal discrimination of Parkinsons dDiseas, Multiple System Atrophy and Controls.

    F Nemmi, A Pavy-Le Traon, O Phillips, M Galitzky, W Meissner, O Rascol, P Péran

    Organization for Human Brain Mapping,OHBM 2019, 9-13 juin 2019 à Rome, Italie.

    Publications rédigées ou co-rédigées

  • > 48- Oxycodone or Higher Dose of Levodopa for the Treatment of Parkinsonian Central Pain: OXYDOPA Trial.

    Brefel-Courbon C, Harroch E, Marques A, Devos D, Thalamas C, Rousseau V, Ory-Magne F, Fabbri M, Maltête D, Rouaud T, Drapier S, Tir M, Thobois S, Salhi H, Corvol JC, Castelnovo G, Lagha-Boukbiza O, Fluchère F, Frismand S, Ansquer S, Sommet A, Rascol O.

    Mov Disord. 2024 Jun 8. doi: 10.1002/mds.29878.
  • > 28- Amantadine use in the French prospective NS-Park cohort.

    Fabbri M, Rousseau V, Corvol JC, Sommet A, Tubach F, De Rycke Y, Bertille N, Selvarasa Y, Carvalho S, Chaigneau V, Brefel-Courbon C, Ory-Magne F, Tessier S, Tir M, Bereau M, Meissner WG, Thiriez C, Marques A, Remy P, Schneider V, Moro E, Defebvre L, Houeto JL, Prange S, Eusebio A, Geny C, Frismand S, Damier P, Reuther CG, Castelnovo G, Benatru I, De Maindreville AD, Drapier S, Maltête D, Lagha-Boukbiza O, Rascol O; French N. S.-Park network.

    J Neural Transm (Vienna). 2024 Apr 5. doi: 10.1007/s00702-024-02772-4.
  • > 25- Trial of Lixisenatide in Early Parkinson’s Disease.

    Meissner WG, Remy P, Giordana C, Maltête D, Derkinderen P, Houéto JL, Anheim M, Benatru I, Boraud T, Brefel-Courbon C, Carrière N, Catala H, Colin O, Corvol JC, Damier P, Dellapina E, Devos D, Drapier S, Fabbri M, Ferrier V, Foubert-Samier A, Frismand-Kryloff S, Georget A, Germain C, Grimaldi S, Hardy C, Hopes L, Krystkowiak P, Laurens B, Lefaucheur R, Mariani LL, Marques A, Marse C, Ory-Magne F, Rigalleau V, Salhi H, Saubion A, Stott SRW, Thalamas C, Thiriez C, Tir M, Wyse RK, Benard A, Rascol O; LIXIPARK Study Group.

    N Engl J Med. 2024 Apr 4;390(13):1176-1185. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2312323.
  • > 79- Trial of Botulinum Toxin for Isolated or Essential Head Tremor

    Marques, A., Pereira, B., Simonetta-Moreau, M., Castelnovo, G., De Verdal, M., Fluchère, F., Laurencin, C., Degos, B., Tir, M., Kreisler, A., Blanchet-Fourcade, G., Guehl, D., Colin, O., Poujois, A., Sangla, S., Tatu, L., Derost, P., Gayraud, D., Tranchant, C., Amarantini, D., Devos, D., Rascol, O., Corvol, J.-C., Durif, F., Rieu, I.

    New England Journal of Medicine, 389(19), 1753-1765. doi:10.1056/nejmoa2304192
  • > 58- Disease Progression in Multiple System Atrophy: The Value of Clinical Cohorts with Long Follow-Up.

    Saulnier T, Fabbri M, Pavy-Le Traon A, Le Goff M, Helmer C, Péran P, Meissner WG, Rascol O, Foubert-Samier A, Proust-Lima C.

    Mov Disord. 2023 Aug;38(8):1567-1569. doi: 10.1002/mds.29534.
  • > 53- Describing complex disease progression using joint latent class models for multivariate longitudinal markers and clinical endpoints.

    Proust-Lima C, Saulnier T, Philipps V, Traon AP, Péran P, Rascol O, Meissner WG, Foubert-Samier A.

    Stat Med. 2023 Jul 17. doi: 10.1002/sim.9844.
  • > 27- Defining the Riddle in Order to Solve It: There Is More Than One « Parkinson’s Disease ».

    Outeiro TF, Alcalay RN, Antonini A, Attems J, Bonifati V, Cardoso F, Chesselet MF, Hardy J, Madeo G, McKeith I, Mollenhauer B, Moore DJ, Rascol O, Schlossmacher MG, Soreq H, Stefanis L, Ferreira JJ.

    Mov Disord. 2023 May 8. doi: 10.1002/mds.29419.
  • > 15- Clinical and imaging « red flags » for the diagnosis of multiple system atrophy lookalikes.

    Gallo S, Ory-Magne F, Le-Traon AP, Rascol O, Debs R, Leung C, Fabbri M.

    Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2023 Mar 20:105372. doi: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2023.105372.
  • > 83- Neurofilament light levels predict clinical progression and death in multiple system atrophy.

    Chelban V, Nikram E, Perez-Soriano A, Wilke C, Foubert-Samier A, Vijiaratnam N, Guo T, Jabbari E, Olufodun S, Gonzalez M, Senkevich K, Laurens B, Péran P, Rascol O, Le Traon AP, Todd EG, Costantini AA, Alikhwan S, Tariq A, Ng BL, Muñoz E, Painous C, Compta Y, Junque C, Segura B, Zhelcheska K, Wellington H, Schöls L, Jaunmuktane Z, Kobylecki C, Church A, Hu MTM, Rowe JB, Leigh PN, Massey L, Burn DJ, Pavese N, Foltynie T, Pchelina S, Wood N, Heslegrave AJ, Zetterberg H, Bocchetta M, Rohrer JD, Marti MJ, Synofzik M, Morris HR, Meissner WG, Houlden H.

    Brain. 2022 Dec 19;145(12):4398-4408. doi: 10.1093/brain/awac253.
  • > 82- Challenging diagnosis and treatment decision of a long-history autoantibody-negative autoimmune encephalitis.

    Calvat P, Leung C, Bost C, Fortenfant F, Simonetta-Moreau M, Pariente J, Rafiq M, Brefel-Courbon C, Rascol O, Fabbri M, Ory-Magne F.

    Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2022 Dec 7:105232. doi: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2022.105232.
  • > 81- Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial of Speech after Early Neurostimulation in Parkinson’s Disease.

    into S, Nebel A, Rau J, Espesser R, Maillochon P, Niebuhr O, Krack P, Witjas T, Ghio A, Cuartero MC, Timmermann L, Schnitzler A, Hesekamp H, Meier N, Müllner J, Hälbig TD, Möller B, Paschen S, Paschen L, Volkmann J, Barbe MT, Fink GR, Becker J, Reker P, Kühn AA, Schneider GH, Fraix V, Seigneuret E, Kistner A, Rascol O, Brefel-Courbon C, Ory-Magne F, Hartmann CJ, Wojtecki L, Fradet A, Maltête D, Damier P, Le Dily S, Sixel-Döring F, Benecke P, Weiss D, Wächter T, Pinsker MO, Régis J, Thobois S, Polo G, Houeto JL, Hartmann A, Knudsen K, Vidailhet M, Schüpbach M, Deuschl G; EARLYSTIM Study Group.

    Mov Disord. 2022 Dec 3. doi: 10.1002/mds.29282.
  • > 80- Trial of Deferiprone in Parkinson’s Disease.

    Devos D, Labreuche J, Rascol O, Corvol JC, Duhamel A, Guyon Delannoy P, Poewe W, Compta Y, Pavese N, Růžička E, Dušek P, Post B, Bloem BR, Berg D, Maetzler W, Otto M, Habert MO, Lehericy S, Ferreira J, Dodel R, Tranchant C, Eusebio A, Thobois S, Marques AR, Meissner WG, Ory-Magne F, Walter U, de Bie RMA, Gago M, Vilas D, Kulisevsky J, Januario C, Coelho MVS, Behnke S, Worth P, Seppi K, Ouk T, Potey C, Leclercq C, Viard R, Kuchcinski G, Lopes R, Pruvo JP, Pigny P, Garçon G, Simonin O, Carpentier J, Rolland AS, Nyholm D, Scherfler C, Mangin JF, Chupin M, Bordet R, Dexter DT, Fradette C, Spino M, Tricta F, Ayton S, Bush AI, Devedjian JC, Duce JA, Cabantchik I, Defebvre L, Deplanque D, Moreau C; FAIRPARK-II Study Group.

    N Engl J Med. 2022 Dec 1;387(22):2045-2055. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2209254.
  • > 68- Intrasubject subcortical quantitative referencing to boost MRI sensitivity to Parkinson’s disease.

    Khedher L, Bonny JM, Marques A, Durand E, Pereira B, Chupin M, Vidal T, Chassain C, Defebvre L, Carriere N, Fraix V, Moro E, Thobois S, Metereau E, Mangone G, Vidailhet M, Corvol JC, Lehéricy S, Menjot de Champfleur N, Geny C, Spampinato U, Meissner W, Frismand S, Schmitt E, Doé de Maindreville A, Portefaix C, Remy P, Fénelon G, Luc Houeto J, Colin O, Rascol O, Peran P, Durif F; R study group.

    Neuroimage Clin. 2022 Oct 12;36:103231. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2022.103231.
  • > 53- methoidNeurofilament light levels predict clinical progression and death in multiple system atrophy.

    Chelban V, Nikram E, Perez-Soriano A, Wilke C, Foubert-Samier A, Vijiaratnam N, Guo T, Jabbari E, Olufodun S, Gonzalez M, Senkevich K, Laurens B, Péran P, Rascol O, Le Traon AP, Todd EG, Costantini AA, Alikhwan S, Tariq A, Lin Ng B, Muñoz E, Painous C, Compta Y, Junque C, Segura B, Zhelcheska K, Wellington H, Schöls L, Jaunmuktane Z, Kobylecki C, Church A, Hu MTM, Rowe JB, Leigh PN, Massey L, Burn DJ, Pavese N, Foltynie T, Pchelina S, Wood N, Heslegrave AJ, Zetterberg H, Bocchetta M, Rohrer JD, Marti MJ, Synofzik M, Morris HR, Meissner WG, Houlden H.

    Brain. 2022 Jul 29:awac253. doi: 10.1093/brain/awac253.
  • > 49- Can Dopamine Responsiveness Be Predicted in Parkinson’s Disease Without an Acute Administration Test?

    Betrouni N, Moreau C, Rolland AS, Carrière N, Viard R, Lopes R, Kuchcinski G, Eusebio A, Thobois S, Hainque E, Hubsch C, Rascol O, Brefel C, Drapier S, Giordana C, Durif F, Maltête D, Guehl D, Hopes L, Rouaud T, Jarraya B, Benatru I, Tranchant C, Tir M, Chupin M, Bardinet E, Defebvre L, Corvol JC, Devos D; PREDISTIM Study Group.

    J Parkinsons Dis. 2022 Jul 18. doi: 10.3233/JPD-223334.
  • > 85- Personality Related to Quality-of-Life Improvement After Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson’s Disease (PSYCHO-STIM II).

    Boussac M, Arbus C, Klinger H, Eusebio A, Hainque E, Christophe Corvol J, Rascol O, Rousseau V, Harroch E, d’Apollonia CS, Croiset A, Ory-Magne F, De Barros A, Fabbri M, Moreau C, Rolland AS, Benatru I, Anheim M, Marques AR, Maltête D, Drapier S, Jarraya B, Hubsch C, Guehl D, Meyer M, Rouaud T, Giordana B, Tir M, Devos D, Brefel-Courbon C; PREDISTIM study group.

    J Parkinsons Dis. 2021 Dec 7. doi: 10.3233/JPD-212883.
  • > 65- Glia Imaging Differentiates Multiple System Atrophy from Parkinson’s Disease: A Positron Emission Tomography Study with [11 C]PBR28 and Machine Learning Analysis.

    Jucaite A, Cselényi Z, Kreisl WC, Rabiner EA, Varrone A, Carson RE, Rinne JO, Savage A, Schou M, Johnström P, Svenningsson P, Rascol O, Meissner WG, Barone P, Seppi K, Kaufmann H, Wenning GK, Poewe W, Farde L.

    Mov Disord. 2021 Oct 5. doi: 10.1002/mds.28814. Online ahead of print. PMID: 34609758
  • > 42- A French survey on the lockdown consequences of COVID-19 pandemic in Parkinson’s disease. The ERCOPARK study.

    Fabbri M, Leung C, Baille G, Béreau M, Brefel Courbon C, Castelnovo G, Carriere N, Damier P, Defebvre L, Doe de Maindreville A, Fluchere F, Fuzzatti M, Grabli D, Maltete D, Rousseau V, Sommet A A, Thalamas C, Thiriez C, Rascol O, Ory-Magne F.

    Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2021 Jul 13;89:128-133. doi: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2021.07.013.
  • > 31- Body mass index variations in patients with Parkinson’s disease treated with levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel infusion: A case control study versus standard of care and subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation.

    Fernández-Rodríguez B, Dupouy J, Harroch E, Fabre-Delcros MH, Barthélémy C, Loubière P, Barange K, Brefel-Courbon C, Rascol O, Ory-Magne F.

    Rev Neurol (Paris). 2021 Jun 18:S0035-3787(21)00562-2. doi: 10.1016/j.neurol.2020.11.017.
  • > 7- Parkinson’s Disease Drug Development Since 1999: A Story of Repurposing and Relative Success.

    Boucherie DM, Duarte GS, Machado T, Faustino PR, Sampaio C, Rascol O, Ferreira JJ.
    Voir la publication

    J Parkinsons Dis. 2021 Jan 11. doi: 10.3233/JPD-202184.
  • > 2- Personality dimensions of patients can change during the course of parkinson’s disease.

    Boussac M, Arbus C, Dupouy J, Harroch E, Rousseau V, Croiset A, Ory-Magne F, Rascol O, Moreau C, Rolland AS, Maltête D, Rouaud T, Meyer M, Drapier S, Giordana B, Anheim M, Hainque E, Jarraya B, Benatru I, Auzou N, Belamri L, Tir M, Marques AR, Thobois S, Eusebio A, Corvol JC, Devos D, Brefel-Courbon C; PREDI-STIM study group.
    Voir la publication

    PLoS One. 2021 Jan 7;16(1):e0245142. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0245142.
  • > 32- Personality Dimensions Are Associated with Quality of Life in Fluctuating Parkinson’s Disease Patients (PSYCHO-STIM).

    Boussac M, Arbus C, Dupouy J, Harroch E, Rousseau V, Ory-Magne F, Rascol O, Moreau C, Maltête D, Rouaud T, Meyer M, Houvenaghel JF, Marsé C, Tranchant C, Hainque E, Jarraya B, Ansquer S, Bonnet M, Belamri L, Tir M, Marques AR, Danaila T, Eusebio A, Devos D, Brefel-Courbon C; PREDI-STIM study group.
    Voir la publication

    J Parkinsons Dis. 2020 May 16. doi: 10.3233/JPD-191903.
  • > 67- Multiple System Atrophy: Recent Developments and Future Perspectives.

    Meissner WG, Fernagut PO, Dehay B, Péran P, Traon AP, Foubert-Samier A, Lopez Cuina M, Bezard E, Tison F, Rascol O.
    Voir la publication

    Mov Disord. 2019 Nov;34(11):1629-1642. doi: 10.1002/mds.27894. Epub 2019 Nov 6. Review.
  • > 30- Substantia nigra locations of iron-content, free-water and mean diffusivity abnormalities in moderate stage Parkinson’s disease.

    Arribarat G, Pasternak O, De Barros A, Galitzky M, Rascol O, Péran P.

    Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2019 May 22. pii: S1353-8020(19)30254-8. doi: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2019.05.033.
  • > 22- How to diagnose parkinsonian central pain?

    Marques A, Attal N, Bouhassira D, Moisset X, Cantagrel N, Rascol O, Durif F, Brefel-Courbon C.

    Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2019 May 1. pii: S1353-8020(19)30220-2. doi: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2019.04.025.
  • > 63- Dopamine transporter imaging for the diagnosis of multiple system atrophy cerebellar type.

    Vergnet S, Hives F, Foubert-Samier A, Payoux P, Fernandez P, Meyer M, Dupouy J, Brefel-Courbon C, Ory-Magne F, Rascol O, Tison F, Pavy-Le Traon A, Meissner WG.
    Voir la publication

    Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2019 Jun;63:199-203. doi: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2019.02.006. Epub 2019 Feb 5.
  • > 20- Descriptive analysis of the French NS-Park registry: Towards a nation-wide Parkinson’s disease cohort?

    Mariani LL, Doulazmi M, Chaigneau V, Brefel-Courbon C, Carrière N, Danaila T, Defebvre L, Defer G, Dellapina E, Doé de Maindreville A, Geny C, Maltête D, Meissner WG, Rascol O, Thobois S, Torny F, Tranchant C, Vidailhet M, Corvol JC, Degos B; NS-Park/F-CRIN Network study group.

    Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2019 Apr 25. pii: S1353-8020(19)30207-X. doi: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2019.04.012.
  • > 5- MRI supervised and unsupervised classification of Parkinson’s disease and multiple system atrophy.

    Péran P, Barbagallo G, Nemmi F, Sierra M, Galitzky M, Traon AP, Payoux P, Meissner WG, Rascol O.

    Mov Disord. 2018 Feb 23. doi: 10.1002/mds.27307.
  • > 66- Abnormal pain perception in patients with Multiple System Atrophy.

    Ory-Magne F, Pellaprat J, Harroch E, Galitzsky M, Rousseau V, Pavy-Le Traon A, Rascol O, Gerdelat A, Brefel-Courbon C.

    Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2017 Dec 8. pii: S1353-8020(17)30827-1. doi: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2017.12.001.
  • > 1- Ergot and non-ergot dopamine agonists and heart failure in patients with Parkinson’s disease.

    Montastruc F, Moulis F, Araujo M, Chebane L, Rascol O, Montastruc JL.

    Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2017 Jan;73(1):99-103. doi: 10.1007/s00228-016-2142-x.
  • > 20- Unmasking levodopa resistance in Parkinson’s disease.

    Nonnekes J, Timmer MH, de Vries NM, Rascol O, Helmich RC, Bloem BR.

    Mov Disord. 2016 Nov;31(11):1602-1609. doi: 10.1002/mds.26712.
  • > 24- The safety and efficacy of safinamide mesylate for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.

    Perez-Lloret S, Rascol O.

    Expert Rev Neurother. 2016;16(3):245-58. doi: 10.1586/14737175.2016.1150783. Review.
  • > 25- A Placebo-Controlled Trial of AQW051 in Patients With Moderate to Severe Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia.

    Trenkwalder C, Berg D, Rascol O, Eggert K, Ceballos-Baumann A, Corvol JC, Storch A, Zhang L, Azulay JP, Broussolle E, Defebvre L, Geny C, Gostkowski M, Stocchi F, Tranchant C, Derkinderen P, Durif F, Espay AJ, Feigin A, Houeto JL, Schwarz J, Di Paolo T, Feuerbach D, Hockey HU, Jaeger J, Jakab A, Johns D, Linazasoro G, Maruff P, Rozenberg I, Sovago J, Weiss M, Gomez-Mancilla B.

    Mov Disord. 2016 Jul;31(7):1049-54. doi: 10.1002/mds.26569.
  • > 45- Atropinic (Anticholinergic) Burden in Parkinson’s Disease.

    De Germay S, Montastruc JL, Rousseau V, Chebane L, Bondon-Guitton E, Moulis F, Durrieu G, Bagheri H, Rascol O, Pariente A, Bégaud B, Montastruc F.

    Mov Disord. 2016 May;31(5):632-6. doi: 10.1002/mds.26595.
  • > 26- Espresso Coffee for the Treatment of Somnolence in Parkinson’s Disease: Results of n-of-1 Trials.

    Ferreira JJ, Mestre T, Guedes LC, Coelho M, Rosa MM, Santos AT, Barra M, Sampaio C, Rascol O.

    Front Neurol. 2016 Mar 8;7:27. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2016.00027.
  • > Subjective sleep dysfunction and insomnia symptoms in Parkinson’s disease: Insights from a cross-sectional evaluation of the French CoPark cohort.

    Ratti PL, Nègre-Pagès L, Pérez-Lloret S, Manni R, Damier P, Tison F, Destée A, Rascol O.

    Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2015 Nov;21(11):1323-9. doi: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2015.09.025.
  • > Falls in ambulatory non-demented patients with Parkinson’s disease.

    Rascol O, Perez-Lloret S, Damier P, Delval A, Derkinderen P, Destée A, Meissner WG, Tison F, Negre-Pages L.

    J Neural Transm (Vienna). 2015 Oct;122(10):1447-55. doi: 10.1007/s00702-015-1396-2.
  • > New treatments for levodopa-induced motor complications.

    Rascol O, Perez-Lloret S, Ferreira JJ.

    Mov Disord. 2015 Sep 15;30(11):1451-60. doi: 10.1002/mds.26362. Review.
  • > Distinctive features of NREM parasomnia behaviors in parkinson’s disease and multiple system atrophy.

    Ratti PL, Sierra-Peña M, Manni R, Simonetta-Moreau M, Bastin J, Mace H, Rascol O, David O.PLoS One.

    2015 Mar 10;10(3):e0120973. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0120973.
  • > Use of metabotropic glutamate 5-receptor antagonists for treatment of levodopa-induced dyskinesias.

    Rascol O, Fox S, Gasparini F, Kenney C, Di Paolo T, Gomez-Mancilla B.

    Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2014 Sep;20(9):947-56. doi:
  • > Multiple system atrophy: a prototypical synucleinopathy for disease-modifying therapeutic strategies.

    Fernagut PO, Dehay B, Maillard A, Bezard E, Perez P, Pavy-Le Traon A, Rascol O, Foubert-Samier A, Tison F, Meissner WG.

    Neurobiol Dis. 2014 Jul;67:133-9. doi: 10.1016/j.nbd.2014.03.021. Review.
  • > Risk of heart failure following treatment with dopamine agonists in Parkinson’s disease patients.

    Perez-Lloret S, Rey MV, Crispo J, Krewski D, Lapeyre-Mestre M, Montastruc JL, Rascol O.

    Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2014 Mar;13(3):351-60. doi: 10.1517/14740338.2014.888057. Review.
  • > Withdrawing amantadine in dyskinetic patients with Parkinson disease: the AMANDYSK trial.

    Ory-Magne F, Corvol JC, Azulay JP, Bonnet AM, Brefel-Courbon C, Damier P, Dellapina E, Destée A, Durif F, Galitzky M, Lebouvier T, Meissner W, Thalamas C, Tison F, Salis A, Sommet A, Viallet F, Vidailhet M, Rascol O; NS-Park CIC Network..

    Neurology. 2014 Jan 28;82(4):300-7. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000000050.