
Axis 3 : Neurobiomechanics / Topic 3

Multidimensional approach to spastic co-contractions in brain damaged subjects

Physiopathological mechanisms, consequences on upper limb motion alterations and therapeutic implications.

This transactional research theme is focused on the study of the neuromuscular substrates of muscle hyperactivity manifested during movements of the upper limb in brain injured subjects. This expression of muscle hyperactivity corresponds to spastic cocontractions. Through a multimodal approach combining 3D kinematics, electromyography, electroencephalography and anatomical and functional imaging by MRI, the objective is to contribute to a better understanding of the neuromuscular mechanisms involved in this expression of muscular hyperactivity. The impact of spastic co-contractions on movement alterations is also explored, and intramuscular injections of botulinum toxin into overactive muscles are used as an experimental paradigm to study the plasticity of these phenomena.

The better understanding of the impact of spastic co-contractions on movement alterations makes it possible to remove a lock in the development of a prehension neuroprosthesis whose objective is to restore the gripping capacities of the paretic limb after a stroke.

Finally, we contribute to the development of tools for evaluating the factual performance of the upper limb that can be used in ecological situations of everyday life.

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