Recherche translationnelle en santé,
technologie pour la santé et recherche clinique
The objective of the work developed in this line of research is to provide a better understanding of the nervous mechanisms involved in the control of movement and motor learning.
Through a multidisciplinary approach at the interfaces between fundamental, clinical and translational research, we explore cognitive and motor functions and the underlying spinal and supra-spinal nervous mechanisms involved in the control of healthy or altered muscle contractions in healthy individuals, experts and neurological patients.
This axis led by David AMARANTINI et David GASQ.
Our research activities deal with the following four topics :
— Topic 1 : Spinal and supraspinal nervous mechanisms involved in the muscle activity control.
— Topic 2 : The role of rhythm in motor learning and rehabilitation for children with motor disorders
— Topic 3 : Multidimensional approach to spastic co-contractions in brain damaged subjects.
— Topic 4 : Nervous mechanisms involved in the emotional flexibility of motor control.
Team members